First Post
Did you just hear clarion trumpets celebrating this announcement? Strange, I did too! Why you ask, because this has been so long in the coming.
I am finally at the place where I am ready to share more of my work and my process with others who might enjoy partaking. I have given much lip service to my commitment to awakening the inner muse and artist in each and every being I encounter, so this is me saying, okay, need some encouragement? I am available to share. Need to see and experience someone else’s creative explorations? You got it. It’s been a long time coming so…
join along for awhile if you like.
Creative expression is for EVERYONE, remember because it truly is your birthright. Put no rules or expectations on yourself.
I have benefitted from others shining a light on the creative path, showing me the possibilities that lay ahead. Sharing by energetic osmosis the courage to try, to experiment, to try again and fail for myself. Now after a number of years of this intensive dive, I realize there are no failures. That is an illusion that we place on ourselves. All expressions have value.
I began with a need to just express something that was welling up in me, but quickly well-meaning friends/family and the culture at large, in their attempt to show support, tell you “wow, you have to sell your work!” Or maybe the opposite, “well good effort…” which we all know means “not their cup of tea.” Well guess what, I have received both with love and gratitude but in the end, they both are meaningless and unimportant.
Why? Because the only person you need to excite, challenge, please or satisfy is yourself.
Sounds idealistic, simplistic? Some of the most profound truths are. The only way to build a sustaining artistic practice, whether it is for yourself only or whether you decide to share or sell your work with the world at large, is to stay true to yourself and your internal promptings 1000% of the time. It can slide too easily into making art to please others.
David Bowie called that “playing to the gallery” and he recommended you Never do it, regardless of the pressures and expectations we place on ourselves or those pushed on us by others. Follow your own clarion call and see where it takes you. I believe the closer we can get to that clear hearing/sensing/feeling place and we resist editing it, the more magic occurs.
I wish everyone the most joyous of creative experiences! Through this practice of loving yourself, you give your many dimensions (known and unknown) opportunities to express themselves fully.
Offer no resistance.
“The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave it neither power nor time.”